How (not to) present a poster at a scientific conference

Ok, so you are presenting a poster at a scientific conference. You’ve done the research, prepared and printed the poster and pinned it to the

Good science

“There was some good science in that seminar.” “Yes? Sorry I feel asleep shortly after the first slide of maths.” Familar? I expect every scientist

More posts on the Oxford Software Carpentry Boot Camp

Mike Jackson from the Software Sustainability Institute was one of our instructors last week and has written two interesting blog posts. The first summarises the

Top Tips for hosting a Software Carpentry Boot Camp

I’ve written a post for the Software Sustainability Institute (who kindly provided the instructors for our boot camp) describing my top tips for hosting a

Improving Software Carpentry workshops

Aron Ahmadia who helped run the Software Carpentry course has written a nice blog where he e.g. discusses some of the ways the course could

Software Carpentry Feedback

As well as asking the attendees how they thought the workshop had gone, I sent them a questionnaire before the workshop. The idea was to see what their expectations were and if the workshop then met them. For example we asked “How would you describe your expertise in the following tools?”

Running my first Software Carpentry workshop

“Can you email me that script you used to do your analysis?” “Sure. It isn’t very well commented but you should be able to work out what it’s doing. I’ve tested it on a few things and it seems to work.” Sound familiar? Of course, the story normally ends happily

This blog…

…is where I shall put thoughts that at least might be of interest to other people. Any opinions are my own and are not representative