
BPS15: Twitter and conferences: an ideal match or a nuisance?

I’m at the of the Meeting in Baltimore which is large (6,500 scientists) with multiple parallel sessions. You might have thought that Twitter would be the ideal platform for providing a feed for all the questions, reactions and suggestions but very few people are using it, although there is definitely more tweeting compared to last year. You can read my musings on it . This is part of my series of posts as one of their guest bloggers.

Goodbye Hans Krebs Tower

When I first started in Oxford our lab was based on the top floor of the Hans Krebs tower. Since 2008 we have been in the imaginatively named “New Biochemistry Building�? which is actually only half a building, but that is another story. To make room for the other half, the Hans Krebs Tower is finally being demolished. In celebration and/or memory I’ve posted a stop motion video I took from my desk out of the 7th floor back in January 2008. You can see several of the characteristic spires of Oxford as well as the plumes from Didcot power station. This too has recently succumbed – 3 of the 6 cooling towers of the old Didcot A power station  three weeks ago.